Thursday 23 August 2012

South Africa mourns 44 killed in mine clashes

A woman mourns during a memorial service for the 44 people killed at Lonmin's Marikana mine on Thursday.
South Africans wept, sang somber hymns and prayed at a memorial service Thursday to mourn 44 people killed during days of labor protests in the nation's mining heartland.
Traditional leaders and church officials in flowing robes led the service near the site of the clashes at the Marikana platinum mine.
Some grief-stricken mourners fainted, and had to be carried out of the ceremony by relatives and friends.
Various government officials attended the ceremony, but police officers were not present at the request of the miners. Of the dozens killed, 34 died in a hail of gunfire last week from police officers, who said they shot at the machete-armed protesters in self defense.
Memorials took place nationwide to mourn the dozens killed at Lonmin -- the world's third-largest platinum producer.
Protests started two weeks ago when thousands of rock drillers went on strike to demand higher wages. Lonmin rejected the demand and called the strike illegal.
Violence intensified August 16, when police fired live ammunition into a crowd of protesters, killing 34 people and sparking a national outcry. The protesters armed with machetes and sticks were threatening to the officers, authorities said.
Ten others died in the earlier days of the protests, including two police officers who were hacked to death.
A rivalry between two unions that wield a lot of power and influence in the nation added to the tension. The unions, accused of trying to outdo each other in negotiating wages, denied instigating the clashes.
The memorial service comes as two more platinum companies in the northwest echoed Lonmin workers, signaling spreading instability and labor discontent.
About 1,000 workers gathered at nearby Bafokeng Rasimone Platinum Mine on Wednesday to voice their discontent. They returned to work a day later.
"We congratulate the workers for refusing to be misled by people with political ambitions and for returning to work" said Sydwell Dokolwana, a regional secretary for the company.

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