Thursday 23 August 2012

Dana: Smoke disrupts Coroner sitting for second time

Two weeks after an electric fault in one of the electrical sockets at the court room where the Coroner’s Inquest into the Dana plane crash of June 3 is taking place, another electrical spark that set people scampering to safety occurred for the second time yesterday while the proceeding was on. Before the arrival of the presiding magistrate, Mr. Oyetade Komolafe, some relatives and witnesses who had arrived early enough swiftly called the attention of the coroner to the smoke emanating from an electrical socket in the court room. The coroner was billed to take the evidence of the pathologist, Professor John Obafunwa, for the second time over the issue surrounding the results of the DNA test. The magistrate tried frantically to see what could be done to stop the smoke so that the proceeding could go on yet with little success. He also brought in the technical team to rectify the fault and stop the smoke but all effort proved abortive.

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